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Hitting rock bottom... and then she found running; An interview with Abby Bevolo (@abbyrunfit)

Name:  Abby Bevolo (@abbyrunfit)

Day Job: Data Analyst & Program Coordinator at MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Houston Medical Center


AER: You have a touching story of overcoming a lot of adversity in the last several years. Can you share some of the adversity that you have had to overcome and how has running helped?

ABBY: I found running when I was sitting at rock bottom- my eating disorder was at its worst, I lost my mom to cancer earlier that year and things didn't seem to be looking up for me. Running became the only dependable and stable thing in my life, and therefore has remained that key piece for over 10 years! I have been able to run through everything- undergrad and grad school stress, planning a wedding, anxiety and my father's cancer diagnosis (and survivorship!). 

AER: Do you find balance through running?

ABBY: I find that I am able to balance the stressors of daily life with running. I've exercised discipline, commitment and pride through times of sorrow or uncertainty. Running truly makes me a better person.


AER: 2020 run goals?

ABBY: My original goal of 2020 was to complete the Berlin marathon for a charity called Flatwater Foundation. Unfortunately that has been cancelled due to Covid, but I still would like to complete a marathon on my own by the end of the year. I've already done a quarantine half, so it's on to the next challenge!


AER: Your absolute dream race and why?

ABBY: This is a tough one! I think it's a tie between the London marathon or Tokyo...honestly any of the WMMs would be a dream. London is my favorite city but Tokyo would push me out of my comfort zone with the major time change and new environment. Maybe I can do both some day! 


AER: What is your favorite way to cross train and why?

ABBY: I love to cross train with HIIT. It's summer in Texas, amid a pandemic so the fitness centers are closed. I've had to limit my weekly mileage due to the heat, so I've gotten creative. Youtube videos, stairwell runs, pretty much all of the "The best ____ workout!" type of videos online. I could probably tell you if they are actually the best.


AER: Favorite Alter Ego Running product?

ABBY: I really like my palms hat- it's the only hat with a wide enough brim to protect my face and vents at the top so that my head doesn't feel overheated. It's moisture wicking too, which is a nice change from my all black baseball cap! I feel like this hat is a must in the summertime- I even wore it on the beach several times while just hanging out!

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